The majority of playground injuries can be blamed on hard tumbles to the ground. Most of us love the “idea” of natural grass, but the reality is usually an unpleasant surprise. Grass can be extremely high-maintenance, it sucks up a ton of precious water, and many homeowners end up with a scraggly patchwork lawn, especially with little feet scraping it up on a daily basis. Artificial turf, on the other hand, minimizes these issues but is very expensive.
We use rubber mulch, a springy soft ground cover that acts as an effective weed barrier and doesn’t rot, mold, or compact over time, meaning it theoretically never need to be replaced. See below to check out our inventory or learn more about how it stacks up to alternatives.
Rubber Mulch Options
Why rubber mulch? Well, rubber tiles and poured rubber surfaces can be quite pricey, lawns are high-maintenance, and regular mulch often comes with splinters and wet weather rot.
Pea gravel, on the other hand, fits all too well in nostrils or ears and creates a choking hazard. It sticks to tennis shoes to be drug in the house, and kids love to pack it around pour it on pavement, where it can cause nasty falls. It pains us to say that it often ends up inside skinned knees as a result.
Rubber mulch holds many advantages over other ground coverings when it comes to protecting your kids from the risks associated with falls. And the rubber we use is springy and soft, creating the perfect landing when coming off the slide or taking an unexpected tumble mid-stride.
Check out our different material and color options below. We also sell rubber borders to create distinct lines around your play area and contain your ground coverings. Order swing pads to place under your swingset, in landing areas under slides, or in other high-traffic areas to prevent formation of pits or holes in your ground covering.
How Much Mulch Do I Need?
Rubber Mulch Calculator
Call (713) 690-5552 to Order!
Check Out Our Rubber Borders